Hello! Welcome to the QnA page! Questions sent to [REMOVED] about the project will be answered here. Questions may be answered sporadically due to focus on the project and trials.
Aug 04, 1998, 4:02:58 PM
Will MEMORIA expand in the future?
Our primary goal will be to expand the limitations of the machine and be able to ...Read More
June 15, 1998, 2:35:36 PM
Do you worry about the controversies that surround this project?
No. That is never in our worries.
May 20, 1998, 10:23:01 am
As a student, will IAA publish their records publicly for future research?
Once MEMORIA moves past its trials, there are plans to release records of the trials and future ...Read More
May 20, 1998, 2:10:40 PM
The ERI seems like a big opportunity in the medical industry, do you think it will ...
MEMORIA will be our primary focus for while before other such developments, however ...Read More
May 01, 1998, 3:08:56 PM
What are some of the challenges you face in your research?
One of the few major problems we encountered that are considered is the deterioration ...Read More
April 30, 1998, 5:03:11 PM
How do you have the motivation to continue working on MEMORIA?
When the project was undergoing major development, the concept of MEMORIA brought ...Read More